St. Stephen’s School organised Plantation Drive in Mandi Ground, Ramdarbar

St. Stephen’s School in collaboration with Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh, Rotary Shivalik Chandigarh, Legal Cell Chandigarh and Government High School, Ramdarbar, organised Plantation Drive on 16.9 2024 in Ram Darbar Mandi ground at 12 p.m in the great presence of the Honourable Mayor of Chandigarh as the Chief Guest of the Program. More than 60 plants were planted in the venue to create an awareness regarding saving of trees by afforestation. There was great involvement of children in the drive . Children of nearby Government school were also involved. It also aimed to promote environmental sustainability and create greenery in the areas.

Manjit Singh

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Manjit Singh
Manjit Singh
Manjit Singh Alias Prince Mehra is our sincere Journalist from UT Chandigarh.


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